This Master's Grad had such a great idea!
As someone who loves the Marvel Universe, and of course, Disney, she wanted to celebrate her Master's Graduation with an Iron Man theme! So when she asked me to do her college graduation photos, I said, "Hell Yeah!"
Her graduation cap looks so great! I literally can't even! And she knocked it out of the park with the power glove accent!
We chose Lynch Park in Beverly, MA
for the photoshoot. This park is so much fun! I has a wide variety of backgrounds, and still offers an institutional feel! What a vibe!
The park has such a nice garden view!
It photographs so well for graduation photos, and offers a very nice contrast to her beautiful red dress!
Let the champagne flow!
This is by far one of my favorite shots from the graduation photoshoot. Who doesn't love to celebrate their achievements!
An ocean view too!
Another reason I love this park so much, is that it has a lovely ocean view with a private beach. But we would be remiss if we didn't get at least a few shots with her graduation mickey mouse ears to capture the love for Disney!
A little rain never hurt anyone!
Having so much fun, we actually caught a bit of rain at the end of the photoshoot. But she didn't care, and jumped in to dance in the rain!